Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Shaws

Dale Shaw, is one of the coolest persons we have met in Indy and the U.S. in a very long time!
He loves the Lord so much and it spills out onto everyone he meets. I am so thankful for the precious moments we could spend together.

Last night the Shaws took us in for dinner and fellowship. We couldn't have asked for a better way to spend one of our last evenings in Indy. I am not very big on trying new food, hehe, but Dale introduced us to was....umm...delicious! I was afraid it might very spicy, but it wasn't. We had chicken and fried rice.

Dale is brave...he wanted us to give him a haircut! I was a little scared, but to my surprise, Wade jumped right in there and started cutting away!! Dale ended up bald....just kidding! the haircut turned out pretty good! We'll always remember that!

We made some memories last night, the guys played ping pong while I admired Sarah's beautiful artwork and projects she had done to their home.

Sarah made some delicious pie with berry's from her back yard!

We ended the night out on the porch and the Lord gave us a beautiful lightening storm to finish it off! The Shaws prayed for us and sent us on our way. We left feeling a little sad that we wouldn't be able to do that again for quite a while, but even more so, we left refreshed by their love. Thank you, Shaws, for the gift you gave us last night.

Monday, July 26, 2010


I just finished these two pillows for twin boys! I think they turned out so cute!! I tried some new stiches that I really like. I wanted to get them finished up before we moved, things are gettin busy around here, hehe...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good friends and another year gone by...

We moved to Indianpolis right at a year ago. We had no idea what God had for us then, but oh how He has blessed our time here. Our first Sunday we went to College Park Church and found a family of believers there that encouraged us, taught us, and who we worshipped the Lord alongside. Not long after that, we met Ben & Jacque--who introduced us to Scott & Lindsay, Missy, and Ian.  

Our small group met weekly to share what the Lord was teaching us in our current study, to encourage one another in Christ, pray together and to fellowship. We've had so many laughs and fun trips.

I'm positive that the things Wade & I will miss most about Indy are not things at all, it will be the people, our friends we have made. Every place we have both lived the Lord has shown his faithfulness in providing who and what we needed for that time in our lives. I have no doubt He will continue to do so! He has the whole picture in mind and weaves our lives together in amazing ways! God is truly the Grand Weaver.

It's funny that we mostly got to be good friends with Ben & Jacque because they didn't have a TV and would come over to our place to watch football games or whatever the big sport was at the time! I don't know how many times Jacque and I have called each other to borrow something one of us did not have or to have each other pick something up at the grocery store (usually bananas for Wade!)

Scott & Lindsay are just such wonderful people, I mean they are from the South, even if it is Louisianna! I remember finding out that Scott's folks now live and works very close to were Wade grew up. They welcomed us into the small group and encouraged us in our running journey this year. Lindsay always knows the coolest places to eat too! They have such kind hearts and have blessed our lives.

Here's Missy! What a spark she brings to our group. She is so outgoing and opinionated and she loves the Lord! She is a fashionista stuck in Indy, hoping to spread her wings and break free soon!!

I can't wait to see what all the Lord has in store for our group! The miles may separate us, but we have a bond in Christ that can never be broken!

"Better a neighbor nearby than a brother far away." --Proverbs 27:10

Saying goodbye to people you love is never easy, but in this life it's an ongoing process until one day, we are with the Savior and have eternity together! We are so looking forward to our move back to Texas, to be closer to our families and to see what the Lord has for us there.

Monday, July 19, 2010

100% Hoops

Here's the family! These guys have taught me so much over the past year!! Last night we all went out to Maggiano's for a going a way dinner...the food was absolutely delicious!!
We were all waddling out of there, lol...

Jeff and Brittnee

Tim & CC

CT & Me

Wade & Me

Jeff & Adam, hehe...these two are always makin me laugh!

Here's a couple of the nice gifts they gave me

Here's CT's ride, just perfect for him!

I sure am going to miss these guys. It's never easy for me to say goodbye and this move is turning out to be especially tough. People ask me if I get tired of moving, but it we wouldn't have moved around, I'd never have met these guys and so many other awesome people.  I am amazed how God weaves our lives together and realize more and more that all the places I have lived have been more about meeting certain people, than what actually took me there (like basketball or jobs).  The Lord has been so good to me and blessed me with great people to work with and lifelong friends.

PA Family

Wade & I made a super fast trip to PA for the weekend to see my family there! It was so good to see everybody!!

This is Gary and Kathy's new house!! We love it and are so happy for them!

Kathy was posing in the yard...she looks like she's practicing Vanna's job!

We went out for Italian ice....yum!

I was so happy to see Lindsey and Jim! I haven't seen them since their wedding almost a year ago. We had a blast catching up on life and basketball.

I wish I was able to go back to PA more, but it's such a blessing that when I do make it back, everyone is waiting for us with open arms. We love you, Gary, Kathy, Amanda, Jinny, Susie, Ed, Bettye, Paul, Carol, George, Joni, Sam, Deb, Rick, Ron, Cindy, Jamie, Jason, and on and on it goes...

4th of July

July 4th is one of my most favorite days of the year! I have always loved those hot summer days, getting together with family and friends, cooking out and watching fireworks. Believe it or not, this is only one of a few times I've been away from home or family on the 4th. We had such a great time though! We went out to eat downtown and arrived just in time to watch the firework display!

It was like a perfect place in the grass had been left just for us, so we all plopped down and enjoyed the show.

Scott & Lindsey put on the Inaugural Firecracker 6 Miler this year! Wade & I ran in that on July 3rd and had a blast! I would encourage any of you to go out for it next year, it made us feel very patriotic!

Wade & I are really going to try and make a trip back next year to run in Scott's race and spend time with our friends again on the 4th. It might just become our tradition!
Here are a few pictures from the Firecracker 6

Scott had Wade say a prayer before the race, we thought that it was really awesome to be able to celebrate our freedom by praying and thanking God for all He's given us.

Hurray! We made it!!